Monday, December 19, 2011

Manage Stress

Stress management

When finding it hard to nod off at night even after a tiring day, and feeling drained of energy even before the day starts, stress management may be what you need. People have different ways of beating stress. Many individuals reach for calorie-laden foods like cakes and supersized meals to counteract stress. Instead of mindless snacking, though, you can beat stress by eating healthier foods like fresh fruits or whole wheat toast with some jam.

Making good nutritional choices is part and parcel of managing stress. Having three servings of omega 3–rich fish every week is one of the best things you can do to ease stress and enhance overall health. Sink your teeth as well into vitamin-rich foods like almonds, berries (try combining this with half a cup of low-fat cottage cheese), bananas, chicken breast, red bell peppers, potatoes and avocados (rich in vitamin B6), leafy green vegetables like arugula and spinach (laden with B vitamins) and let the feel-good hormones work their way into your system.

Beating stress may be regarded as both an inside job and countering external factors like toxic relationships and pollution. Not all people can do a good balancing act handling unreasonable demands at work while giving ample attention to family matters. Yet people can hurdle the many challenges that life tosses and prevent burnout or nervous breakdown by taking time off and de-stressing once in a while.

A proven stress management technique is deep breathing exercise. Just sit still in a cozy spot at home or even your office, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing. Do deep breathing exercises for about 10 to 15 minutes. It’s a very simple physical relaxation technique that can ease stress. Other individuals manage stress by getting away from it all and travelling to a faraway destination. However you accomplish it, stress reduction is essential for health.

Note that certain bodily or psychological reasons may create stress. Hence, getting a body check and consulting a doctor (not necessarily a traditional one, as you may opt to consult a naturopathic doctor) may be helpful. Grappling with a disorder like sleep apnea, or experiencing menopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats, for example, may interfere with sleep and contribute to stress. In such cases, stress management worked out with a doctor may include a nutritious diet coupled with supplements, in tandem with exercise and mind-body techniques.

To discover ways on how to have a relaxed mindset, overcome thieves of sleep, be informed by constantly reading (and check out online health forum/discussions, too). Along with a good diet to bolster the immune system and keep the heart & other vital organs healthy, exercise is a sure stress buster. So spread out your yoga mat, put on your dancing shoes, or take a hike. Any form of physical activity that appeals to you will spur the production of chemicals in the brain and release endorphins into your bloodstream, making you feel better. Ditch the excuses not to exercise (being too old, not having time, lack of facilities, and so on) and practice stress management techniques to feel happier, and be healthier and more productive.


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